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The city of Heliwyr is damned. Decades ago, a mad priest officiated an ancient ritual, awakening a wicked force that branded every inhabitant, corrupting their blood. On nights with a blood moon, the curse awakens, depriving the inhabitants of their minds. Those who decide to follow the path of the priest, voluntarily feeding on the corrupt blood of people, become Apostles: almost immortal creatures, with bestial features, devoid of any humanity.

BLOODSTONE is an action-packed horror tabletop roleplaying game with a dark, gothic feel.
The players are a group of hunters sent to the city of Heliwyr on a blood moon night to hunt down an Apostle attempting to ascend, opening a gateway to the realm of the Ancients. 

The game has a high pace: the Hunt is a race against the clock. 
BLOODSTONE is designed for one-shot games: every time we play, we play different Hunters, who will face new obstacles and challenges every time: the blood moon nights in Heliwyr never end.



♦ The GM pamphlet (Game Master's Scroll) features most of the rules for running the game, the setting, and adventure sparks.
♦ The Player pamphlet (Hunter's Scroll) is the character sheet that contains character creation and other character-specific rules.



Because the game is action-oriented, the Blades in the Dark ruleset is revised and compacted:

♦ A Stamina System inspired by the souls-like games, like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, instead of the stress system.
Character Creation is done by answering a bunch of questions: in 1 minute, you can start playing the game.
No Playbooks: each hunter is differentiated by their origin, attire style, and weapons.
♦ Only three attributes: prowess, resolve, and wit.
♦ Special actions to summon ghosts from other worlds and visit the Workshop, a place between the nightmare and the dream.


Black&White and Print Friendly character sheet versions.
Foundry VTT module (thanks to Mestredigital for the amazing initiative!). To use it, you need to search "Bloodstone". Check the full documentation.


This work is based on Blades in the Dark, product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

Also, thanks to Emanoel Melo to inspire me.


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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Bloodstone_GM_color_1.3.pdf 8.1 MB
Bloodstone_Player_color_1.3.pdf 7.6 MB
Bloodstone_GM_bw_1.3.pdf 2.5 MB
Bloodstone_Player_bw_1.3.pdf 2.2 MB
Bloodstone_GM_print_friendfly_1.3.pdf 2 MB
Bloodstone_Player_print_friendly_1.3.pdf 1.6 MB

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hi there, just wondering if any more community copies will be released into the wild before Christmas. Just looking for a bunch of games to play as I don’t have family to spend the holidays with

Thank you 


Sure! Here we go!

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in providing community copies of your game. I’m a disabled pension who can’t afford much so these free gifts really help me out in playing games and keeping my mind active.I really appreciate your hard work in producing great games and kindness in providing community copies.

It really helps out people like me who can’t afford much and play games solo as I don’t have friends or family to catch up with.

You are welcome! I hope you will enjoy the game!

Hi! I'm familiar with other Forged in the Dark games, yet I find some of the aspects of this game unclear. I know Forged in the Dark games are usually loose in terms of the setting and rules and most of these could be answered with "It's up to the GM", but I rather have some guidelines to start with.

This is also mixed with a bit of feedback.


  • How many harm can the Apostles take? Do a level 4 harm also kill them? Do/Could they have a Harm clock?
  • What special abilities the Apostles have/could have?


  • Is it refreshed after consequence of any action. A PC inflicting harm on an enemy is a consequence of the attack - in that case why should it refresh the Stamina? Or I interpret this the wrong way, and Stamina should only refresh after a PC suffers a (negative) consequence.
  • If yes, then the PCs will usually spend all Stamina each Turn, because they most likely get it back next turn. This means, almost all rolls will be Pushed by the PCs.
  • If we look at Bloodborne or any other Soulslike game, Stamina would rather refresh after each turn; not each consequence.


  • It's unclear why and how a Firearm used explicitly for Parrying, which is usually done with melee weapons. 
  • Parry does interrupt Enemy actions. How does this fit into the Turn order? In most FITD games the NPCs do not act on their own, rather as a consequence of a PC roll. Maybe just the term "Parry" isn't the best, or "Interrupt" could work better.


  • Stun does stun the enemy for a few seconds. Is it 1 Turn, or how long? Also, taking a shot (or multiple shots as multiple bullets could be spent on this action) shouldn't "Stun" the enemy, rather Harm it. 


  • Base form and Alternate form sounds a bit confusing, like it's a completely different weapon in each configuration. I'd assume Base form could be interpreted as Light attack, and Alt form as Heavy attack.


  • Stamina needs to be spent, but Blood and Insight needs to Marked. A bit confusing again, would be easier if all resources either needs to be Spent or Marked.
  • Blood -> Mark: suffering Harms or using the Trick Weapon. - So using the Trick weapon (in any form) costs 1 Blood? Or is this only for "Imbrued with blood"?
  • Blood: How does other FITD games Harm levels translate to Blood? Like suffering a Level 3 Harm in Blades in the Dark should be Mark 3 Blood? "Harm: deal 1-5 Harms to the hunter involved, based on the Position." - How many Harms do each Position represents? 

Night's clock

  • What is the negative effect of letting the Night's clock complete? The Apostle find the PCs first, but I see no consequence of letting the Night's clock complete.

Thanks in advance, I do like your game.


Thank you for the questions. I hope I can clarify your doubts.

First of all, you wrote a bunch of questions using " turns", but in Bloodstone there are no turns - like in other FitD games, it's the GM that moves the spotlight back and forth between the characters and the scenes (if they are not together). So I'm assuming when you say "turn" it's more like "the action of the character".


  • If the Apostle completes the ritual, it becomes a powerful entity - I suggest you to create an 8-sided clock to represent their dangers.
  • If the characters reach the Church before the ending of the ritual, the Apostle has less power so a 6-sided clock is better.
  • About the special abilities - it depends on how the Apostle is. Half-human, half-wolf? Or Half-human, half-bat? 


  1. When a character faces an Action Roll, they can spend Stamina points to add dice.
  2. Than, you check the Action Roll result: there are any consequences? If yes, the player can resist but only if they still have Stamina points. If not, they cannot resist. If there are no consequences (i.e., they roll 6), you don't need to check the Stamina.
  3. After this, if they have spent the Stamina (pushing or resisting), they regain all Stamina points.


You use the Firearms to Parry because that's how Bloodborne works - so, in Bloodstone you do the same stuff.

Parry interrupts the action of an enemy. So, if the enemy moves against a character, you can try to parry to interrupt their action. If you fail, the action becomes real, and you face consequences (i.e., a giant wolf attacks you, you try to parry the attack, you fail, you suffer harm).


You CAN use a weapon to stun or if you want to harm. But in Bloodborne, most of the time, you use the melee weapons to inflict harm. The firearms are here to parry and stun.


Yes, Base and Alt forms are two different kinds of weapons. You transmute your weapon to do different stuff (again, like in Bloodborne).

It's not only a Light vs. Heavy attack - for example, you can have a cane with a blade that transforms into a metallic whip.


You spend stamina because you don't mark on the character sheet when you use it (you will regain it very soon). You Mark blood and insight because you need to track them for a longer time.

Blood -> only to imbrue your weapon with blood

Harms - it depends on the situation, I guess. You can suffer 1 harm in a desperate situation if it's desperate about other details (like: you are chasing a living dead, fleeing with your girlfriend. It's fast, so it's a desperate position, but you don't risk much harm).

Night's Clock

If you fill it, the Apostle gains much more power, completing the ritual.

Thanks, made a few things more clear.

About the Turns, it doesn't matter how you call them, PCs going after each other, taking their Actions can be called as Turns. The way you proposed how things should work indicate that in this game NPCs have their own turns/or actions (hence Parry their Action), and they do not only act when PCs roll <6 (as a consequence). 

If I interpret this right, a simple 1v1 combat should look like this:

- The PC attacks (Base form for 1 Stamina, Push for 1 Stamina)

- Rolls a 6, inflicts Harm on the Target

- Regain all stamina? (No consequence suffered)

- The Target/enemy makes it's move and attacks the PC

- The PC choose to Parry with 3 bullets, but fails the roll

- The PC choose to resist, with 3 Stamina

That means it's basically doesn't matter what happens, you can always use 3 Stamina to resist with 3 dice.

- The PC attacks (Base form for 1 Stamina, Push for 2 Stamina)

- Rolls a 4, may inflict Harm on the Target but also suffer Consequence

- PC resists the consequence with 1 Stamina, and successfully avoids it

- Regain all stamina because suffering a consequence

- The Target/enemy makes it's move and attacks the PC (Not sure if the NPC does actually rolls here to hit the PC or it's "just hits" - depending on the Parry/Stun & Resist rolls after)

- The PC choose to not Parry/Stun

- The PC choose to resist, with 3 Stamina

Again, all this based on that the NPCs have their own actions/turns to act, not only by PC roll consequences.


Yes and no. There is more to take in account.

1. There is position / effect to check. You can roll a 6, but with a limited position, you can't inflict harm (maybe you can break their armor or magic defense).

2. If you make a Parry move, you are not making an Action Roll. And you resist the consequence of an Action Roll. So, if an enemy attacks you, you can try to avoid the attack by making an Action Roll (if in the fictional situation you can do, i.e. if you are tied up, you cannot flee), or you can try to parry the attack (and you can parry ONLY an attack, not any kind of danger). If you make an Action Roll, to avoid the enemy attack, you can push or keep the stamina for the (possible) Resistance Roll. If you try to parry, and you fail, you don't have any other option: you suffer harm (or the consequence of the attack).

3. Just to be clear, the NPCs can make their move first, if they have the opportunity or the power.

(1 edit) (+1)

Would it be possible to brighten the text in the color version? It's pretty but the whole thing looks like it's had a shadow filter applied, the grey on grey is really hard to read.

That's a good feedback - thank you. I think I can try something, but not until the weekend unfortunately.

Thank you! Any chance you've managed to take a shot at it already?

Unfortunatelly no - but I hope I will find the time asap. I'll post a news on the game's page when I will finish the update.


Hi there - is there any chance of more community copies?


Hi! Yes, I will put more copies 23 August, my birthday :)


Thank you!


as I promised, the community copies are available!


Thanks so much!


Picked this up for the  Spring Sale. Love the concept! I did want to ask, is it possible for a color version without the black background as well? I have some aged/stained paper I would love to print this one and I prefer the look of the color but also want to save on ink. 

Hi! I'm glad you like the game.
About your request, it's a little complicated because if I remove the background, I need to change a lot of text (color, style, fx like shadow etc). I'm not sure if I can find the time to do it, but in case I will post an update for the game. No promise.


I completely understand. No worries if it never happens though, just thought it might be simpler than it was. Either way, thanks! 


Hi, I read in another comment that you would add more community copies, are they already gone? If so, when do you plan on adding more? (sorry for my english)

hi! This night!





Community copies please?

Hi! Around mid-December, I will add more community copies. I will tag you.


Thank you very much!

Added 20 more Community Copies!


Thank you!

Is this compatible with table top dungeons? Im new on this rpg and board games 

Hi! I'm not sure what you mean with tabletop dungeons. Can you give me a link?


any chance of community copies?

hi! I added 50 community copies a couple of days ago but they already gone. I will add more in the next weeks.


Hi. I loved your game, so I made a video about it in Portuguese (Brazil). Thank you for the game. 

Ohhh thank you so much. Amazing!


Dear Matteo, maybe I missed some rules, just where could I figure out the enemies attributes? 


Hi! The enemies haven't stats - it's a game a little bit different than "the most famous fantasy game." The system is based on Blades in the Dark - and tags and short descriptions describe the NPCs.
As a rule of thumb, if an enemy is weak, full success is enough to defeat it. If the enemy is strong, you can create a clock.


So what would be your recommendation, using the enemies stats of Blade in the Dark as encounters? 

(1 edit) (+4)

Blades in the Dark has no "stats" for the enemies - that's the point. 
In Bloodstone, you don't need stats. You choose an enemy, describe the situation, and the players will decide how to face the threats. And then, they roll the dice, and the situation will change accordingly to the result.


Will you be adding new community copies?

Sure - I added right now 20 more community copies!


Awesome, thank you so much! I might run this with some friends, or attempt it as a solo game! I will post again once i get a chance to run it

Yes, please! I am always happy to receive feedback from those who play my games.

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome game matteo! is there a way to make a campaign using the sames characters somehow? I loved the system.



Hi! I’m happy you’re enjoying the game.

For a short campaign I suggest to create 4-5 city’s maps and ask the players to explore them in the order they want.

At the end of each map there is a ‘boss’ to hunt and defeat.

The clock should be bigger and it should be shared between all maps.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Matteo,

First off, your take on the FitD and Bloodborne is really nice! I also really enjoy the Stamina mechanic! I've been toying with this idea for a long time in different systems, but your's finally resonates with what I was looking for!

I also love Bloodborne and I still play it on occasions, always pondering about the lore and hidden meanings. So, I mean to ask: have you considered something for a Beasthood mechanic ? I was thinking about using Devil's Bargain / Clock, but that's only a preliminary thought ...


(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Daidalos! Nice to meet you. To be honest, I never planned to add a Beasthood mechanic - but a Clock seems a very interesting idea. Do you have any idea how it could work?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Matteo,

I reckon you must be a great fan of the videogame, so I'm just going to write a few things in case someone who's no so familiar with it wants to join in:

In the videogame, Beasthood is a temporary status that lets the player dish out more damage, but the player also takes more damage from the enemies. Mechanically, the more Insight a player has, the harder it is to achieve this status. 
Lorewise, when a Hunter succumbs to this beastly side, they can lose their humanity and become the same monsters they hunt. The wiser and more knowledgeable the Hunter, the harder it is to succumb to this primal instinct (greater Insight level.)

So, considering Bloodstone: I thought that Beasthood could work like a Devil's Bargain; the players can have an option to gain a +1d or +1 Effect and, as a cost, mark a segment on a Beasthood Clock. If the Clock is filled, they become a Beast, and lose the character (Father Gascoigne style). They could recover segments of the Clock by gaining Insight.

I just don't know how many segments this Beasthood clock should have ... unfortunately I could play Bloodstone just once, so I don't know how many Insight the players get per session on average (at least one per Location, but can be more...).

Anyways, I'm just brainstorming some ideias, because I like this concept of Jekyll & Hyde and the battle against the inner Beast. I mean, maybe having a Beasthood mechanic is not a thing you're going for with Bloodstone, so I'm just sharing a few thoughts....

and stay safe!


Your ideas are interesting. I think I will run a little brainstorming session during the weekend to think about the Beasthood. Maybe I can come back to you with some... insight :D


Deal !

Haha, I see what you did there xD


Will there be community copies available again? I really wanna play this but I'm in a rough spot and my currency doesn't translate well to USD

(2 edits) (+2)

Sure! I have distributed 500 community copies to date, and I will add more soon! I will write you when they are available again.


Thank you very much!!


Looking forward to this




Thank you 🤗.

Here we go! I added some Community Copies. Enjoy them, and please, let me know if you like the game!


This looks so cool! Can't wait to run it! I have two questions after reading the materials:

1. If an enemy attacks a player character, how is this handled mechanically? Does the player choose to resist and then depending on the roll, the Consequences are described?

2. What is considered an action in the game? I'm asking because stamina is gained after the Consequences of an action but is, for example, 3 enemies attacking a single character considered 1 action or 3 separate actions?

Hi! Thank you for your comment!
Here are your answers:
1. You resist consequences. Consequences are, most of the time, related to the character's actions: a hunter does something that triggers an action roll, and by rolling the dice, the player obtains 1-5. So, there will be consequences, and the player (IF they still have the stamina) can try to resist (avoiding or reducing the consequences). Sometimes, an enemy action can push a character to face direct consequences: when a player ignores a danger. For example:
GM: The monster is trying to destroy the column inside the church. What do you do?
Hunter: I'm still trying to grab a treasure
GM: The monster break into two parts the supporting column and the floor falling. You suffer 2 Harms. Do you want to resist?

Please note: the GM should always telegraph dangers before they hit the characters. Trying to avoid danger triggers an action roll; only if the player ignores the danger, the danger becomes real, and they must face the consequences.

2. Stamina is regained after the eventual consequences of an action roll. If an action hasn't consequences, the stamina is regained immediately after the action itself. An action can cover more than a single "step" depending on the type of action and the "zoom" level the GM wants to use in the scene. For example:

* A single Action Roll can cover entry inside a temple, avoiding all enemies using a stealth approach.

* A single Action Roll can be a single blow against a gigantic monster (like a "boss fight").


Thank you very much for the answers! That clarified things a lot!

you’re welcome! The issue in doing a onepage game is that sometimes you cannot be as clear as much you want.

Let me know if you need more explaination!


A player wanted to use the firearm to kill enemies, I allowed. He used wit to roll. But, I couldn't find anything in the PDF about using the firearms to kill enemies. How do you see this?

Firearms, like any other item, can affect the fictional position. So, they can be used to kill enemies if that makes sense. Maybe some enemies are too fast to be hit by a bullet, and the GM will say it's a "risky/limited" position and the players need to use extra resources to have a major impact in the scene. But, yeah, firearms can definitely be used to hit enemies.


Thank you. Request wit was a good choice?

Yes, I would use the same. But of course, it depends on the situation: one time a player wanted to use the firearm to intimidate a NPC, and we used Resolve.


Rules Question

You can use the same item multiple times up to four uses? Or after use an item you can't use it again?

You can use the same item from the bandolier multiple time until you have slots. The tools do not have consumable slots, but you can lose these items according to the fiction.



Hi. Is there any chance of you add an expansion with arcane tools? Things like Augur of Ebrietas or A Call Beyond from bloodborne. It could use silver bullets too.



A third pamphlet, with extra stuff (like runes, arcane tools, and additional rules for the final battle) is on my to-do list, but I'm not sure when I will be able to complete it. I hope before the end of the year.


Rule Suggestion

It's annoying when a PC die in the begging in a oneshot. He can make another hunter or wait for the end.

So, you could add a rule to let him come back.


The PC who died will return to the Workshop if he has at least one insight. He will loose all insight then and must wait the current scene end.

The PC who died will turn into a corrupted hunter if he has no insight. He will now fight against the other PCs. 

Ah, the corrupted hunter is an interesting idea. However, I'm not sure it can fit in every game - it's more a matter of taste. So, I agree there is room for a rule about the character's death, but I think we need a more "generic one," and if some players are happy with the idea of having a corrupted hunter, they have my blessing!


The alternative would be let the player without insight return to fight with the loss of a action point of his choice.

This would let him keep playing without create another PC with a severe consequence;

That could work. I'm taking note. Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm making a Foundry VTT build for this game. Can I share the build in the Foundry VTT repo? I would link to this page. Or maybe you want to add the fvtt world in here.

Preview: https://streamable.com/hnsxoi

OH WOW. I'm not a super expert with Foundry VTT, but your work seems amazing. Please, feel free to add it - and when it is done, please link it to me, and I'll add it to the game page!


This module will be available soon for Foundry VTT: https://github.com/brunocalado/bloodstone

Overview: https://github.com/brunocalado/bloodstone/raw/main/docs/docs-overview.webp

Really cool job! 


Foundry VTT has published. People can search in the module list for bloodstone. Maybe, would be cool to add this option to game description.

Yes of course. I’ll do it this evening. Thank you!


Great job!! Amazing game!

If a PC takes Harm and there is no Blood left to mark, the PC is dead.

Mark last one: you’re dead.

Hi, the PC will die if mark the fifth one or if he try to mark harm and there is no more space to mark it?

Hi! Thank you for pointing out an inconsistency between the two playbooks. The correct rule is: If the player marks the fifth harm, dies.

Ok. Tks. Will you update the docs?

yes, probably during the weekend!


Hi there! Loved the game so much i have made a google slide version of the character sheet with premade clocks for the DM. Would you be interested if i sent you a copy to use in this page?

Hi! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! Of course, I'm interested - please, feel free to share the google slide version at thejester79@gmail.com

(And I'm really happy you're enjoying the game so far!)


Hey there! As a bloodborne and BitD fan, I have to say that this game looks amazing and I'm disappointed at how long it took me to find it! Just a few questions I have from reading through it (and I imagine that quite a few of these are just from keeping the game short as well as things that can be answered at the table):

• Are there any descriptions available for the items? I imagine they mostly line up with their in-game counterparts, but I was curious if you have any more specific details for the items in the bandolier and tools

• While the Apostle examples provided are super evocative, do you have any examples on the scale you imagine the Apostle abilities to be, especially post-ascension?

• When a hunter uses the bloodstone to go to the workshop, is that meant to bea true restful moment, or is their stasis something that could be punished (even outside of active combat)?

• If more than one hunter encounters a point of interest, do each of them gain an Insight? On that note, how much Insight are the hunters expected to gain? 9 apiece? 

• Since stamina resets after every action, and since stamina is the only resource paid for resisting, is there a mechanical reason that the hunters shouldn't resist every consequence? Even at 0 stamina, the worst thing that happens is that they face the consequence anyway, no?

• How does the parry of the gun work mechanically? Is it meant to be a purely fictional trigger, with it without an action roll, or is it meant to act as a sort of resistance? What about stunning?

• I noticed that the system doesn't have any Devil's Bargain mechanic. While I'm sure it's intentional, what are your thoughts on adding one in?

I apologize for all the questions, but I am very excited to give this a try. I love the take on the stamina system and am truly impressed by your ability to condense such a sprawling ruleset into 2 trifolds while remaining true to the source material.

Thank you!



I'm happy you found the game! I'm a small creator, so my games are not so famous - but still, I'm so glad when new players find my projects.

Here are your answers:

1. Not really - I'm planning to release an additional pamphlet, but I'm not sure when I will do it. I can provide specific information about the items if you need them.

2. It's up to the table. In my games, if an Apostle ascends, they become a god-like scale. Think about the Moon presence from Bloodborne (not the boss fight - the lore)

3. It's a real restful moment.

4. It depends if they will discover different stuff. I.e., if you and I are investigating an altar, maybe you will find ancient runes, and I will find a cursed ritual on a scroll. In this case, both of us will gain Insight. 9/10 Insight points per game are a good average.

5. If you have 0 stamina, you cannot resist - that's something I should explain better, I guess

6. Parry and Stun are both fictional and mechanical triggers simultaneously. You can use Stun talking with a strange character in the graveyard to keep them quiet. But also, you can parry and stun to react to (or avoid) actions from NPCs.

I.e., a beast is attacking you -> you can parry the attack.

7. I'm not a huge fan of Devil's Bargain without helping the GMs to use it (I'm a GM myself, and every time I struggle to find interesting Devil's Bargain). That's why I didn't put it in the game: I had no space to add the rule AND guidelines for the GMs. But it can work without issue!

I hope you will enjoy the game!


Thanks for this effective game ! A few pages but all we need is there...

An AP (but in french) : 


Oh WOW! Thank you so much (I speak a little bit of French - I studied it loooong time ago, so I can understand 10% of the video :D). I hope you enjoyed the game!


Yes we did !


Trick Weapon question: Are [Great Range] /[+Effect vs OO] the ability of Base form? or are they "the increased Effect" of Alternate form?

Pray in front of the tomb of the first hunter: Does "roll lower attribute" mean roll 2d?

About the trick weapons: the description between [ ] is the weapon's ability - in both forms. The base form allows the character to perform a quick and accurate blow, the alternate form a powerful blow (with increased effect), and you can take advantage of the specific ability of the weapon in both forms.

Roll lower attribute means you must use your lower attribute to gather dice for your pool.
I.e. if you have Prowess 2, Resolve 2, and Wit 1, you will roll 1 die.

(1 edit) (+1)

1. Aren't the base attributes 3/2/1?  So lower attribute means lowest attribute?

2. If the lower attribute is 1d, How can I get "6s: The first hunter spills their blood for you: You regain all Blood."?

1. Yes, but...

2. ...a player can improve their attribute, spending Insight at the Workshop. So, it's not sure the lowest attribute is always 1 - it depends on the players' choices.


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

One more question!

Oath of Hunters:

But the light touched us, and we have become its emissaries. (Hunter's Scroll)

But the light touched us, and now our eyes are open. (Game Master’s Scroll)

Which is correct?


Oh - that’s a mistake made between versions. Sorry for that, I will fix it soon. The right one is the GM (… and now our eyes are open).

Thank you for your feedback!



Does a PC gain Stamina after he succeeded at his action roll witout consequence(6+ ) or avoided consequence(6+ on resist roll or use the special armor)?


Hi! Thank you for allowing me to clarify this point (I already received feedback about that and I want to explain better it in the future).

You regain stamina at the end of an action. An action is formed by 2 parts: action and (eventual) consequences.

  • If you don't have consequences (like in your example, rolling 6+), you regain stamina immediately at the end of the action roll.
  • If you have consequences (rolling 1-5), you regain stamina after the consequences - so you need to use the stamina points you didn't use in the action roll to create the resistance dice poll.

I got it. Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

What a badass game! A light and concise hack of Forged In The Dark. The pamphlet is beautiful as well. I highly recommend Bloodstone for you guys who is interested in FromSoftware-ish atmospheric TTRPG.

I do mention light and concise Matteo, but is there any chance you will expand the game to have advancement mechanics? Haha.

Best regards and take care, Matteo!


Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you appreciate the game.

About an advanced version… I’m definitely up to something - you will have news soon!

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome! Best of luck on all your projects, Matteo.

(1 edit) (+1)

I talked to the developer over on Reddit about this game, and what a pleasure that was: so patient good sir! 

I just had to pick this up once I realized what a pleasure this will be to run for friends. I am super hyped to try it out! Will add to my comment after I get to try it (hopefully this weekend at #coninthedark2022! maybe someone sees this and wants to join us?)



Thank you Mark for the kind words! I'm looking forward to the #coininthedark2022 - it will be awesome watching players try the game!


my pleasure! hope to see you popping up around the Blades Discord if nothing else. Cheers!


Wow I reaaaally loved this aesthetic! I'm so excited to play, I already read the rules and I feel a good consistance in this structure. Congrats for put this aspects together and create this amazing oportunity! Soon I'll back with a more consistent feedback =D Peace and good luck!

Thank you! I'm looking forward to your feedback! I hope you will enjoy the game!


How does the Knight attire work? It looks like the special says "Protect an ally," but that also looks like just a special action that anyone can take at anytime anyway, right?


I'm relatively certain that's what you can do by checking off the special armor box of the knight attire, and not something anyone can do at any time.


Using the attire one shot ability, the knight can protect without face conseguences.


Thanks for the reply! One more attire question, with the Priest and Executioner abilities: Are those Resist rolls made with just 1d each when those abilities are used? 


No, you avoid completely the consequences without rolling dice. So, basically, if a Hunter suffers mental Harm, they can try to avoid the consequences using a normal resistance roll OR, if they have the Executioner attire, by spending the special one-shot ability.


Stuck outside on a night of the hunt?

I was immediately drawn to this game, as it checks off a lot of my boxes: bloodborne, forged in the dark, tri-fold games, one-shot focused games.

The game offers a few nice twists to FITD to simplify it for one-shot play, but each of these changes pushes the game towards the theme of hunters in a city gone mad for one night. Can't wait to play it!


Thank you so much. And please, let me know if you will enjoy the game!